Investigation Unit

Oyoun Center Investigation Unit.

Investigation in ophthalmology is non-invasive and easily applied to our patients.
A high level of technology and is important for following up with patients with ocular diseases.

Investigations available in Oyoun Eye Center:

1. Oct

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive, tomographic optical image technique.

2. Fluorescein angiography

it is a medical procedure in which a fluorescent dye is injected into the bloodstream.

3. Ultrasound, A & B scan

Offers a two-dimensional cross-sectional view of the eye as well as the orbit.

4. IOL master

Used to standard in optical biometry.

5. Visual field

Visual field analyzers are often used in the detection and diagnosis of Glaucoma.

6. Multifocal VEP & ERG

Comprehensive testing of the retina, optic nerve, and visual cortex.

7. ORA

It is a sophisticated device used to provide real-time measurements of the patient’s eye.

8. Pentacam and Topography

It measures topography and elevation of the anterior and posterior corneal surface and the corneal thickness.

Opening Hours